Wednesday 25 September 2019

A Family Member

Well today, I was talk about my father because I think is the most interesting person in my family. Maybe I have an Electra problem XD
His name is Jorge Steinbrügge Claussen, he was born in Osorno, Chile in 9 of November of 1951 in a family with German past so he learn to speak Spanish and German and he study in a German school.
He has a many histories one of them it happened when he was a child, only 9 years. His parents (my grandmother Filomena and my grandfather Hans) traveled to Europe and they left my dad with his uncles in Valdivia and, I think everybody knows, in 1960 it was a biggest earthquake in the history of this society and my dad lived it in Valdivia. He was at the cinema and all the people ran when the earthquake started, but her glasses fell and when he picked them up the people walked over him, so he had to move along on his hand and knees to a safe place to survive.
His family was a really oldfashioned so when he finish the school and he said he want to be a math teacher his parents didn't let him and told him "You must be a doctor, lawyer or engineer. If you like numbers, you must be an engineer." And the only way that my dad could study teach was studying engineer at the same time, and he did it. My father never worked like engineer.
Maybe because of his history with his father he never told us (to me and my sisters) and me what we should do. He was a very compressive person, and he was really intelligent, I think because he enjoyed reading my sisters and I grew up thinking the reading is good and fun.
I really admire him, I feel we had a close relationship despite a his introvert personality.
Unfornatly he die in 2016, the funeral was a massive, a lot of people asist because my dad was a teacher who marked many students adn they were grateful. The most beautifull words y read in the condolences book was "thanks theacher for believing in me because now i also believe in me".
 I really miss him.

A one-on-one Conversation

When I try to think of an interesting person with whom I would like to speak to ask questions, my mind jumps between many people, a lot of them ancient Greeks and, as I cannot write of all, I will write of the most interesting of them, Hesiodo.
Hesiod is a thinker, philosopher, Greek writer, he wrote about the myths of his gods but because he really believed that they existed and created the world I like to see him as a historian.
One of the reasons I love it and I find it very interesting is that it was one of the first to write the myths that were transmitted by speech, when stories were told from parents to children, also not only wrote the theogony, he also wrote works and days, a text that explains how his society worked, it seems to me that he had a vision that the future would want to know about them, I think he should be the father of history and not Herodoto, although Herodoto also thought like that and has value, but Hesiod lived at least 200 years before.
One of the weird things in my life is that I was always more interested in history than in fiction tales, and in history, the older the more interesting and mysterious I find it, the understanding of the civilizations of that time is very interesting and how his cosmovision affected the way of life and the way of living in his social structure, his technological advances and with that the structures that they generated to habit, so from a very young age I read the Greek myths and imagined where they came from and how magical they were, so when I hear about Hesiodo I was really young and I don't remember precisely when. My dad was a math teacher but he still liked history and he had a small collection of books about it, especially the GREDOS collection and recommended them to me I think that the first book of those that I read was Esotopo fables, and I don't know when I got to Hesiodo and his theogony, I have read it many times but as I also read other myths they mix them so I need to read it again.
I think that if I could see him I would ask him about his life, how he sees the world, I would like to fill the incomplete text of him.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Free Topic

Well, today I was talk about my sci-fi book (without spoilers).
Trying to choose a book I am debating in my mind between two: 1984 of George Orwell and Fahrenheit 451 of Ray Bradbury.
Both are really good books. Classic books.
Both have more than 65 years (70 and 66 years respectively).
Both authors write about dystopic worlds.
Both are valid since they were written, actually before.
Both are books that leave you thinking.
Both were on my list of books to read so when I could read them, I read them. 1984 quite a while ago and Fahrenheit 451 in last summer.
I think both are books that everyone should read, because the world they present seems so distant and at the same time so actual. Maybe because narrates about a dystopic world when you read them you feel anguish, at least that's what happened to me… but, don´t give up to reading it!
Actually I don´t know what write without spoilers and I really think it's important to say nothing that could ruin the future reading.
I'm just going to say, emphasize, they are very good books from very good authors.
If you have read this book I hope you have appreciated and treasured it like me.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

A villain I like

Well, I’m talking about a villain really famous: Thanos from the marvel movies.
Thanos is the only survivor of the planet Titan; he is really powerful and wants to have the total power to kill half of life because he believes it is the only way that the other half of life can live well.
The first time when Thanos appeared is in “The Avengers” only in the post credits scene, after in “Guardians of the galaxy 1”, “Age of Ultron” , “Avengers: infinity war” and “Avengers: end game”. The last two movies are when Thanos appear more in scene.
The first time I saw Marvel movies as a sequence was when Infinity War did not launch and with my friends, we wanted to see the release together, so we planned to see all the movies in order before the release. When premiere was we all went together and enjoyed the movie when Thanos appears as the strongest villain. After, when released “ant man and the wasp”, “captain marvel” and “avengers: end game” we saw all the movies together with my friends, End Game in the premiere.
I like very much this character because is a badass and (SPOILER ALERT) win in one movie.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Pangal Beach

If I need a chose a beach next to the sea I don´t have many options, only beach I can remember is Pangal, near to the Maullin city in a Region de los Lagos, Chile.
I travel to there with my family, in summer holidays. I really don´t remember the year, but I went a long time ago. I remember the wind, many and strong wind.
The beach have at least one kilometer of sand, and the shore are shallow. When I went, the first time there was a forest next to the beach and there many types of mushrooms of many colors, and with my sisters called “the wood of smurfs”. I really love that woods, it wasn´t big, but you could get lost for hours and create different histories for the different village of mushrooms.
On the beach, you could find macha mollusk and whit my sisters we really enjoyed it. After, in the night. We cooked them and ate; to my father the machas were delicious, but not for us but we ate them in the same way.
The second time I went to Pangal Beach, with my family too, the forest was gone, it was very sad, the beach didn’t change much but is not the same without the trees around it.

A family meal

One of the most memorable family meal I remember is not for the food we eat, but for the experience, we live like family. The meal was in February of 2004 or 2005, I don´t remember as well.
Since I was 1 year old, my family travelled every February to the south of Chile, to Cochamo specifically. That year my family (my mom, my dad, my 4 sisters and i) travelled with a friend of my sister, Angie, and a German girl called Maresa who wanted to explore the south of Chile and my uncle Andrea presented us so that we could help her. To help Maresa my parents ask for places can we visit and a friend said us we could be visit La Junta, said us it was really beautifull and we most go, but we need  a guide and horses. As it was very expensive pay nine horses more the guide only pay the guide and we walked. 
The climb was very difficult, it was raining, but when we got up, a couple that was there gave us hot water and my mom made soup. We all ate soup and bread, it was delicius.
It was.
I remember that meal especially for what it meant to get there as a family, we could return, but we did not, and as a rewadr we jad one of the most beautifull landscapes I've seen in my life. I appreciate that we have enjoyed it together.

Monday 8 July 2019



What’s the average carbon footprint of a person?

The average footprint for people in Chile is 4.69 tonnes.
My footprint is 3.30 tonnes per year. 😄The worldwide target to combat climate change is 2 tonnes, I'm not really an environmentalist yet.


ØHand washing dishes can use up to _50_ % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.

Ø Only about _10_ % of global energy comes from renewables.

Ø True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity.
    False, if they are connected they continue to consume energy.

Ø Can you make paper out of hemp?
    Yes, and it is very durable and does not require cutting a forest


1-  It is good to have reusable bags, I believe that in Chile a good first step has been taken when eliminating disposable plastic bags from supermarkets

2- Try to reduce the packaging on the food we buy is necessary, a good idea is to buy vegetables for the week at the fair.

3- Recyclable diapers are another great idea, my sister had a baby six months ago and she uses those diapers, they have also helped her save a lot!

Oscar Niemeyer

Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on December 15, 1907 and died on December 5, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro with 104 years.
A great follower of Le Corbusier, he is considered one of the most influential figures in modern international architecture. He was a pioneer in the exploration of the constructive and plastic possibilities of reinforced concrete.
With Lucio Costa as urban planner and he as architect of the buildings, he designed the new capital of Brazil, Brasilia, to achieve this he had to project all the buildings that would house different activities, such as religious or political, and reinterpetrate them using reinforced concrete and His own way to see the modernism that used pure forms but, unlike Le Corbusier, curves, many curves.
I like to take the modernist principles of the time and know how to give their own stamp. I also like that him consider him surroundings and use the curved line to highlight the geography where he are

This is the Cathedral of Brasilia and it shows how a modern activity related to old buildings gives a modern form. 

My favourite subject

I find it difficult to say which is the subject that I like the most because I like them all, both mathematics and humanists. I think that is one of the reasons why architecture caught my attention, has a mathematical side, where physics is applied to the reality of materials to structure what we want to build and also has a more human side, which studies to inhabit, for the inhabitant, their needs, their customs and their history, and, you take all the components and make an artistic proposal with them, for this you need to express yourself and thus communicate your ideas both in a technical way as are the plans, in a written form and in graphic form that allows you more freedom.
For all this, I do not think I can decide on my favorite subject, maybe the workshop is the most capable of collecting everything, that's why I like it a lot, but at the same time is the most stressful, so I do not know if it's my favorite, I could define workshop as a subject to which I have love and hate.

One of my favourite photos...

This photo is one of my favorite photos. It was taken almost two years ago, I gave my camera to someone to take this photo and I could appear in the image. In the photo you can find all the people who worked in the cique du solei function in honor of  sodaestéreo, 7th day, in Chile, in the image there are artists who travel around the world showing the show and the Chilean staff, among them, I .
I love this picture because it reminds me of how well I spent working on that show and all the experiences I gained.
I remember that, among many things, they said that no matter how beautiful the show was, seeing it every day would tire me, but it was not like that, I did not get bored every time I saw it, it seemed more beautiful and I took more love. Also, I can not separate the function, the music, the friends and the learning in my memory, so every time I see the photos, or listen to the sodaestéreo or meet the people I met there, I am filled with the emotions, maybe that's why i like much more sodaestereo now

Friday 5 July 2019

Environment and my career

  Actually is really necessary think about the environmental impact that our acts in life and career have because the planet needs people to worry about it.
In the past, the world was not considered to have an end and the future was projected as if the resources would never end, but now we know that this is not the case.
I think our university knew how to act well by adding courses that deal with this topic, such as urban sustainability, where we studied what urban planners have done in the past so as not to make the same mistakes and also the principles of habitability and sustainability, where we study the constructive possibilities that they help to save energy and improve the quality of life, in this way the university is responsible for making professionals aware and able to contribute to the environment from the architecture                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Wednesday 24 April 2019

My favourite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my smart phone.
Why? Well, because is the piece of technology more used for me, many, many times in the day, all the days.
Can be easier many things in your life, it´s a computer on your pocket, it´s my watch (and alarm), my contact because I don´t have phone in my home, only use mobile, it´s my maps when I go to somewhere I didn´t know, it´s my way to know many things about my classes, I can see my e-mails, I can search all the questions I have immediately, I can play with the applications I download in before, and so many things more…
I remember the first time I think in jump to smartphone was in university, I really felt like I did not know anything and y I thought “I need internet in mi cellphone” and a few months later I buy my first smartphone.
I really don´t need the smart phone, no for living, but if I want to be a professional I need be connect with the world all the time, and the smartphone do that, connects you. 

Imagen relacionada

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Why did I choose my career?

This is a good question, actually I don´t know, but I like it.
When I think what job wanted when I was children, only remember, because my family didn’t let me forget, I wanted be a dishwasher, because I loved have mine hands in water.
In the school I lived the moment, so I didn’t think about anything of the future.
In last year of the school, I didn´t have classes and I wanted repeat the grade so I didn´t think in a career, but few weeks before PSU test, my teacher call to my mom and my mom told me “you need pass this year” and in three weeks I had to approve 4th grade, take PSU test and think about my promotion and what career I will take in my future.
So, I choose study architecture in university of Chile the year after that because three reasons:
1.       My family convinced me that university is the best pre-university, and if disliked that career I could change the next year.
2.       Architecture sound good.
3.       University of Chile sound good.
Until now I like the career, I love study architecture but it´s difficult to me workshop because I have many distractions in my life, I don´t have much time, that’s kill me. And the future…. I prefer think in pass this year.
bye bye !

Wednesday 10 April 2019

My Autobiography

Hi, my name is Magdalena Sofía Steinbrügge Torres.
I was born in Santiago, Chile in 1993. 
Yes, i 25 years old.
My academy information is really boaring, my first school was Eduardo Frei Montalva, it´s a public school in Ñuñoa.
In third grade, in a middle of the year, i changed school to Santa Margarita school.
After, in 2006, i was enter to seventh grade in Carmela Carvajal de Prat.
Since 2006 to 2011 the Carmela was on strike, taken by students, three times, the longest was in 2011, eight month. So, my graduation was in an office of the municipality. Only consist on going to find a paper.
After that, i was enter to university of Chile to study arquitecture, but destiny was not good, that year my dad had a heartattack, so i lost that academy year.
Since 2012 i have many problems, so i delay the career.
Actually i´m in second year of the arquitecture, and i live whith my boyfriend and i pay all my things. I´ts dificult, but no ones says that live is easy.