Wednesday 25 September 2019

A Family Member

Well today, I was talk about my father because I think is the most interesting person in my family. Maybe I have an Electra problem XD
His name is Jorge Steinbrügge Claussen, he was born in Osorno, Chile in 9 of November of 1951 in a family with German past so he learn to speak Spanish and German and he study in a German school.
He has a many histories one of them it happened when he was a child, only 9 years. His parents (my grandmother Filomena and my grandfather Hans) traveled to Europe and they left my dad with his uncles in Valdivia and, I think everybody knows, in 1960 it was a biggest earthquake in the history of this society and my dad lived it in Valdivia. He was at the cinema and all the people ran when the earthquake started, but her glasses fell and when he picked them up the people walked over him, so he had to move along on his hand and knees to a safe place to survive.
His family was a really oldfashioned so when he finish the school and he said he want to be a math teacher his parents didn't let him and told him "You must be a doctor, lawyer or engineer. If you like numbers, you must be an engineer." And the only way that my dad could study teach was studying engineer at the same time, and he did it. My father never worked like engineer.
Maybe because of his history with his father he never told us (to me and my sisters) and me what we should do. He was a very compressive person, and he was really intelligent, I think because he enjoyed reading my sisters and I grew up thinking the reading is good and fun.
I really admire him, I feel we had a close relationship despite a his introvert personality.
Unfornatly he die in 2016, the funeral was a massive, a lot of people asist because my dad was a teacher who marked many students adn they were grateful. The most beautifull words y read in the condolences book was "thanks theacher for believing in me because now i also believe in me".
 I really miss him.

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