Monday 8 July 2019

One of my favourite photos...

This photo is one of my favorite photos. It was taken almost two years ago, I gave my camera to someone to take this photo and I could appear in the image. In the photo you can find all the people who worked in the cique du solei function in honor of  sodaestéreo, 7th day, in Chile, in the image there are artists who travel around the world showing the show and the Chilean staff, among them, I .
I love this picture because it reminds me of how well I spent working on that show and all the experiences I gained.
I remember that, among many things, they said that no matter how beautiful the show was, seeing it every day would tire me, but it was not like that, I did not get bored every time I saw it, it seemed more beautiful and I took more love. Also, I can not separate the function, the music, the friends and the learning in my memory, so every time I see the photos, or listen to the sodaestéreo or meet the people I met there, I am filled with the emotions, maybe that's why i like much more sodaestereo now

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