Wednesday 17 April 2019

Why did I choose my career?

This is a good question, actually I don´t know, but I like it.
When I think what job wanted when I was children, only remember, because my family didn’t let me forget, I wanted be a dishwasher, because I loved have mine hands in water.
In the school I lived the moment, so I didn’t think about anything of the future.
In last year of the school, I didn´t have classes and I wanted repeat the grade so I didn´t think in a career, but few weeks before PSU test, my teacher call to my mom and my mom told me “you need pass this year” and in three weeks I had to approve 4th grade, take PSU test and think about my promotion and what career I will take in my future.
So, I choose study architecture in university of Chile the year after that because three reasons:
1.       My family convinced me that university is the best pre-university, and if disliked that career I could change the next year.
2.       Architecture sound good.
3.       University of Chile sound good.
Until now I like the career, I love study architecture but it´s difficult to me workshop because I have many distractions in my life, I don´t have much time, that’s kill me. And the future…. I prefer think in pass this year.
bye bye !

1 comment:

  1. I hope you keep liked this carrer for the rest of your life
