Wednesday 24 April 2019

My favourite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my smart phone.
Why? Well, because is the piece of technology more used for me, many, many times in the day, all the days.
Can be easier many things in your life, it´s a computer on your pocket, it´s my watch (and alarm), my contact because I don´t have phone in my home, only use mobile, it´s my maps when I go to somewhere I didn´t know, it´s my way to know many things about my classes, I can see my e-mails, I can search all the questions I have immediately, I can play with the applications I download in before, and so many things more…
I remember the first time I think in jump to smartphone was in university, I really felt like I did not know anything and y I thought “I need internet in mi cellphone” and a few months later I buy my first smartphone.
I really don´t need the smart phone, no for living, but if I want to be a professional I need be connect with the world all the time, and the smartphone do that, connects you. 

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Wednesday 17 April 2019

Why did I choose my career?

This is a good question, actually I don´t know, but I like it.
When I think what job wanted when I was children, only remember, because my family didn’t let me forget, I wanted be a dishwasher, because I loved have mine hands in water.
In the school I lived the moment, so I didn’t think about anything of the future.
In last year of the school, I didn´t have classes and I wanted repeat the grade so I didn´t think in a career, but few weeks before PSU test, my teacher call to my mom and my mom told me “you need pass this year” and in three weeks I had to approve 4th grade, take PSU test and think about my promotion and what career I will take in my future.
So, I choose study architecture in university of Chile the year after that because three reasons:
1.       My family convinced me that university is the best pre-university, and if disliked that career I could change the next year.
2.       Architecture sound good.
3.       University of Chile sound good.
Until now I like the career, I love study architecture but it´s difficult to me workshop because I have many distractions in my life, I don´t have much time, that’s kill me. And the future…. I prefer think in pass this year.
bye bye !

Wednesday 10 April 2019

My Autobiography

Hi, my name is Magdalena Sofía Steinbrügge Torres.
I was born in Santiago, Chile in 1993. 
Yes, i 25 years old.
My academy information is really boaring, my first school was Eduardo Frei Montalva, it´s a public school in Ñuñoa.
In third grade, in a middle of the year, i changed school to Santa Margarita school.
After, in 2006, i was enter to seventh grade in Carmela Carvajal de Prat.
Since 2006 to 2011 the Carmela was on strike, taken by students, three times, the longest was in 2011, eight month. So, my graduation was in an office of the municipality. Only consist on going to find a paper.
After that, i was enter to university of Chile to study arquitecture, but destiny was not good, that year my dad had a heartattack, so i lost that academy year.
Since 2012 i have many problems, so i delay the career.
Actually i´m in second year of the arquitecture, and i live whith my boyfriend and i pay all my things. I´ts dificult, but no ones says that live is easy.