Wednesday 21 August 2019

A villain I like

Well, I’m talking about a villain really famous: Thanos from the marvel movies.
Thanos is the only survivor of the planet Titan; he is really powerful and wants to have the total power to kill half of life because he believes it is the only way that the other half of life can live well.
The first time when Thanos appeared is in “The Avengers” only in the post credits scene, after in “Guardians of the galaxy 1”, “Age of Ultron” , “Avengers: infinity war” and “Avengers: end game”. The last two movies are when Thanos appear more in scene.
The first time I saw Marvel movies as a sequence was when Infinity War did not launch and with my friends, we wanted to see the release together, so we planned to see all the movies in order before the release. When premiere was we all went together and enjoyed the movie when Thanos appears as the strongest villain. After, when released “ant man and the wasp”, “captain marvel” and “avengers: end game” we saw all the movies together with my friends, End Game in the premiere.
I like very much this character because is a badass and (SPOILER ALERT) win in one movie.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Pangal Beach

If I need a chose a beach next to the sea I don´t have many options, only beach I can remember is Pangal, near to the Maullin city in a Region de los Lagos, Chile.
I travel to there with my family, in summer holidays. I really don´t remember the year, but I went a long time ago. I remember the wind, many and strong wind.
The beach have at least one kilometer of sand, and the shore are shallow. When I went, the first time there was a forest next to the beach and there many types of mushrooms of many colors, and with my sisters called “the wood of smurfs”. I really love that woods, it wasn´t big, but you could get lost for hours and create different histories for the different village of mushrooms.
On the beach, you could find macha mollusk and whit my sisters we really enjoyed it. After, in the night. We cooked them and ate; to my father the machas were delicious, but not for us but we ate them in the same way.
The second time I went to Pangal Beach, with my family too, the forest was gone, it was very sad, the beach didn’t change much but is not the same without the trees around it.

A family meal

One of the most memorable family meal I remember is not for the food we eat, but for the experience, we live like family. The meal was in February of 2004 or 2005, I don´t remember as well.
Since I was 1 year old, my family travelled every February to the south of Chile, to Cochamo specifically. That year my family (my mom, my dad, my 4 sisters and i) travelled with a friend of my sister, Angie, and a German girl called Maresa who wanted to explore the south of Chile and my uncle Andrea presented us so that we could help her. To help Maresa my parents ask for places can we visit and a friend said us we could be visit La Junta, said us it was really beautifull and we most go, but we need  a guide and horses. As it was very expensive pay nine horses more the guide only pay the guide and we walked. 
The climb was very difficult, it was raining, but when we got up, a couple that was there gave us hot water and my mom made soup. We all ate soup and bread, it was delicius.
It was.
I remember that meal especially for what it meant to get there as a family, we could return, but we did not, and as a rewadr we jad one of the most beautifull landscapes I've seen in my life. I appreciate that we have enjoyed it together.