Monday 8 July 2019



What’s the average carbon footprint of a person?

The average footprint for people in Chile is 4.69 tonnes.
My footprint is 3.30 tonnes per year. 😄The worldwide target to combat climate change is 2 tonnes, I'm not really an environmentalist yet.


ØHand washing dishes can use up to _50_ % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.

Ø Only about _10_ % of global energy comes from renewables.

Ø True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity.
    False, if they are connected they continue to consume energy.

Ø Can you make paper out of hemp?
    Yes, and it is very durable and does not require cutting a forest


1-  It is good to have reusable bags, I believe that in Chile a good first step has been taken when eliminating disposable plastic bags from supermarkets

2- Try to reduce the packaging on the food we buy is necessary, a good idea is to buy vegetables for the week at the fair.

3- Recyclable diapers are another great idea, my sister had a baby six months ago and she uses those diapers, they have also helped her save a lot!

Oscar Niemeyer

Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on December 15, 1907 and died on December 5, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro with 104 years.
A great follower of Le Corbusier, he is considered one of the most influential figures in modern international architecture. He was a pioneer in the exploration of the constructive and plastic possibilities of reinforced concrete.
With Lucio Costa as urban planner and he as architect of the buildings, he designed the new capital of Brazil, Brasilia, to achieve this he had to project all the buildings that would house different activities, such as religious or political, and reinterpetrate them using reinforced concrete and His own way to see the modernism that used pure forms but, unlike Le Corbusier, curves, many curves.
I like to take the modernist principles of the time and know how to give their own stamp. I also like that him consider him surroundings and use the curved line to highlight the geography where he are

This is the Cathedral of Brasilia and it shows how a modern activity related to old buildings gives a modern form. 

My favourite subject

I find it difficult to say which is the subject that I like the most because I like them all, both mathematics and humanists. I think that is one of the reasons why architecture caught my attention, has a mathematical side, where physics is applied to the reality of materials to structure what we want to build and also has a more human side, which studies to inhabit, for the inhabitant, their needs, their customs and their history, and, you take all the components and make an artistic proposal with them, for this you need to express yourself and thus communicate your ideas both in a technical way as are the plans, in a written form and in graphic form that allows you more freedom.
For all this, I do not think I can decide on my favorite subject, maybe the workshop is the most capable of collecting everything, that's why I like it a lot, but at the same time is the most stressful, so I do not know if it's my favorite, I could define workshop as a subject to which I have love and hate.

One of my favourite photos...

This photo is one of my favorite photos. It was taken almost two years ago, I gave my camera to someone to take this photo and I could appear in the image. In the photo you can find all the people who worked in the cique du solei function in honor of  sodaestéreo, 7th day, in Chile, in the image there are artists who travel around the world showing the show and the Chilean staff, among them, I .
I love this picture because it reminds me of how well I spent working on that show and all the experiences I gained.
I remember that, among many things, they said that no matter how beautiful the show was, seeing it every day would tire me, but it was not like that, I did not get bored every time I saw it, it seemed more beautiful and I took more love. Also, I can not separate the function, the music, the friends and the learning in my memory, so every time I see the photos, or listen to the sodaestéreo or meet the people I met there, I am filled with the emotions, maybe that's why i like much more sodaestereo now

Friday 5 July 2019

Environment and my career

  Actually is really necessary think about the environmental impact that our acts in life and career have because the planet needs people to worry about it.
In the past, the world was not considered to have an end and the future was projected as if the resources would never end, but now we know that this is not the case.
I think our university knew how to act well by adding courses that deal with this topic, such as urban sustainability, where we studied what urban planners have done in the past so as not to make the same mistakes and also the principles of habitability and sustainability, where we study the constructive possibilities that they help to save energy and improve the quality of life, in this way the university is responsible for making professionals aware and able to contribute to the environment from the architecture